Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 7 Life Night


Prayer is at the heart of a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus not only calls us to pray, He also teaches us how to pray through His words and example. This night looks at the call to pray in a culture that demands instant communication and feedback. We have a game called "Cell Phone Olympics" so bring your cell phones. The Life Teen band will also be there playing some songs for us, then we will close the night out with Adoration in the church. 
Bourbon Street Chicken
White Rice
Red Bliss Potatoes
Home-style Yeast Rolls
Cookies   chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin

A huge thanks for this dinner that is being
Donated by Golden Corral and Roger Schmidt!!

A big thank you to everyone who came out and helped with the car wash. It was a huge success, and we will have totals soon.

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