Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Important Life Teen and Edge Info

Attention skiers!!! The first installment  of $300 on the ski trip balance is due by December 19. The remaining balance for the ski trip is due no later than January 11, 2011.

Lock-in: 8:00 pm December 3 to 8:00 am December 4 for 7th-12th graders. The cost is $10.00 per person to cover the cost of food and drinks. Deadline for paperwork and payment is December 1- no exceptions. No entry after 10:30 pm. Bring a pillow and sleeping bag….if you dare!!  Questions? Call or email Chuck.

9th-12th graders- 3 concerts and 2 days at Silver Dollar City in Branson: Fireflight, Sanctus Real, and Tenth Avenue North will be in concert at Silver Dollar City for Young Christians Weekend. Cost is $80.00 per person for a 2 day ticket to Silver Dollar City, and two nights in a hotel. You must reserve a spot and send in a down payment of $45.00 by December 19 to lock in the price at $80.00. After December 19, the price increases by $20 per person. Space is limited, so reserve your spot early. See Chuck for more details!

9th-12th grade students: Join us for Weekend Extravaganza in Little Rock January 22-23, 2011. Cost is $40.00 per person. The co-founder of the ’40 days for life’, Shawn Carney, will be the featured speaker. On Sunday we will attend the Rosary and Mass for Life at the Statehouse Convention Center and then participate in the March for Life in downtown Little Rock. Deadline for registration is January 2, 2011.

Upcoming Edge schedule: Edge will meet in the Parish Center from 6:30-8:00pm on December 1 and December 15. NO EDGE on November 24, December 8, December 22, or December 29.

Upcoming Life Teen Schedule: Life Teen will meet in the Parish Center on November 21, December 5, December 12, and December 19 (social night with Life Teen Band). NO LIFE TEEN on November 28 or December 26.

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